KonsumHushold |
Consumption in households etc |
KonsumOffentl |
General government consumption |
BtoInvFastReal |
Gross fixed investment |
BtoInvUtvRor |
Extraction and transport via pipelines |
BtoInvFastlNorge |
Gross fixed investment mainland Norway |
BtoInvNaring |
Industries |
BtoInvBolig |
Housing |
BtoInvOffForv |
General government |
EtterspFastland |
Demand from Mainland Norway |
Eksport |
Exports |
EkspTradVarer |
Exports of traditional goods |
EkspOljeGass |
Exports of crude oil and natural gas |
Import |
Imports |
ImpTradVarer |
Imports of traditional goods |
Gross domestic product |
BNPFastland |
GDP Mainland Norway |
BNPIndustri |
GDP Manufacturing |
TimeverkFastland |
Total hours worked, Mainland Norway |
Sysselsatte |
Employed persons |
ArbStyrke |
Labor force |
Yrkesandel |
Participation rate (level) |
ArbLedighet |
Unemployment rate (level) |
Aarslonn |
Wages per standard man-year |
Consumer price index (CPI) |
EksportprisTrad |
Export prices, traditional goods |
ImportprisTrad |
Import prices, traditional goods |
Boligpris |
Housing prices |
HusholdDisp |
Household real income |
HusholdSpare |
Household saving ratio (level) |
PengemRente |
Money market rate (level) |
UtlaanRente |
Lending rate, credit loans (level) |
Realrente |
Real after-tax lending rate, banks (level) |
ImpVKroneKurs |
Import-weighted NOK exchange rate (44 countries) |
NOKperEuro |
NOK per euro (level) |
Driftsbalanse |
Current balance (NOK billion) |
DriftsbalanseBNP |
Current account (per cent of GDP) |
EksportMarked |
Exports markets indicator |
KonsumprisEuro |
Consumer price index, euro-area |
PengemRenteEuro |
Money market rate, euro (level) |
OljePrisDollar |
Crude oil price US dollar (level) |
OljePrisKr |
Crude oil price NOK (level) |